lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2009



Since it´s Christmas time and most everyone thinks it should be a festive and happy occasion, I´ve thought of talking about HAPPINESS.

It has been stated by experts in the field of economics that HAPPINESS is related to how much income you enjoy, BUT you can only measure personal and collective standards of living just up to a certain threshold, and that once this threshold has been reached, the individual becomes dependant to consume more and more as time passes and establish a hoarding behaviour. The lives of these types of individuals tend to become lonely, exhausting, and may lead to failure or even death. Are you in this category?
Of course I don´t mean that striving for a better standard of living; a better job, a better house, more money to spend, travel, use more and better modern technology, etc. is a negative attitude. Life should be enjoyed and experienced to its fullest and money gives you independance and freedom!
But how can we reach our goals without falling into this "hoarding mode"? Are we better people by falling into uncontrolled consumption and hoarding of things we don´t really need? Are we better liked by our peers and colleagues if we have a better and more powerful car each year, a bigger and more luxurious home, a bigger and more expensive second home, etc.?
I don´t think so.
When individuals become dependant on "buying" and "having" as a means of social acceptance and admiration, they become their own slaves. So how do we avoid falling into becoming our own slaves? The key to being happy with our own lives is to find that equilibrium between "having", so we can enjoy life, and finding out what is called QUALITY OF LIFE. What does this mean? Are people in poor countries less happy than in richer ones?
We should not look for more money, more clthes, more toys, more "things", but look for those things that give us quality of life... Ask yourself, living close to my family makes me happy, or "having things" and being alone? Does having a beer with friends after work make me happy, or working 50 hours a week make me happy so I can pay a high mortgage? Well, after passing out many questionnaires to people from all economic levels and from different countries, what it boils down to is that, "giving yourself to others" is what makes people feel better, more useful and important! After having adequately covered health, education, a decent government, feeling safe, and an adequate job to pay bills and have a little bit left to save, people valued relationships with family and friends the most important factor in their lives, eventhough they may or may not be enjoying them at present.
So, look around, and if you have all the material things you need to live a "normal" life, turn around and give your family a call, a hug and tell them how much you value them! Take time to enjoy the company of your loved ones instead of spending time at the Mall buying things you don´t really need! And if you don´t have any loved ones, go spend some time as a volunteer! Someone will appreciate what you do for others and in turn, you´ll feel better with yourself!


domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009


El poder de nuestra carga genética está claramente demostrada en estudios de gemelos monocigóticos; sobre todo cuando éstos se crían separados uno del otro, ciertas manifestaciones de enfermedades, gustos, preferencias y comportamientos se reproducen sin que la otra personal o haya "aprendido" del otro. Pero son muy pocos los estudios entre mellizos que nos hablen de optimismo o pesimismo... Esta actitud hacía la vida es sumamente difícil de valorar y solamente se puede afirmar que los gemelos idénticos que crecen separados se "parecen" en su optimismo o pesimismo, pero no tienen una exacta actitud hacia la vida. ¿Por qué reaccionamos de forma distinta hacia las mismas adversidades y acontecimientos? ¿Qué nos hace tan distintos y únicos? Estoy convencida que nacemos con gran potencial de optimismo y sin embargo algunos terminamos impregnados de actitudes pesimistas por habernos criado en un medio opresivo y hostil. En un hogar lleno de violencia, malos tratos psicológicos y físicos, entre 2 hijos, uno puede reproducir el mismo comportamiento y el otro evitarlo y desarrollar una personalidad totalmente sana y ausente de violencia. El aprendizaje es sumamente importante si vamos a desarrollarnos como seres humanos sanos, creativos y optimistas. El tener un ambiente propicio y favorecedor de tranquilidad, sensibilidad, confianza, sanas inquietudes, oportunidades de estudios, protección y amor; nos abren las puertas a una vida plena y llena de optimismo que actúa como "feed back" y así se crea un círculo que se auto alimenta una y otra vez. A pesar de esa carga genética, desarrollo intrauterino, influencia hormonal en el embarazo de la madre, dificultades y actuaciones en el parto, ect. que nos moldean e influyen en nuestra personalidad y nuestras respuestas emocionales ... el cerebro de cada ser humano capta y procesa de forma distinta nuestras vivencias... Quiero entonces hablar de la autoestima. Para qué sirve y por qué estamos siempre hablando de ello...

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009


"He who does not doubt, does not investigate, and he who does not investigate does not perceive, and he who does not perceive remains in blindness and error". Quote from Al-Ghazali (1058-1111).

"Aquel que no duda, no investiga, y aquel que no investiga no percive, y aquel que no percive permanece en la oscuridad y el error". Al-Ghazali (1058-1111).

One of the most important factors for a "positive out look on life" is self acceptance.

To accept who we are, accept our strong and negative points, and how we want to project ourselves towards others, are escentials towards a happy existance.

But who is really totally happy with who they are? is this really a good attitude? Are we really satisfied with who we are, or are human beings for ever seeking to better ourselves; in becoming a better person, a better role model, parent, a better partner, wife, husband, student, etc.? People are composed of leyers like an onion;
we are intellectual beings, emotional beings, instictual-animal beings, and like no other, we are for ever changing, looking for our own happiness and self-fulfilment; whether seeking a better job, partner, relationship... we seem to never stop searching for a better "US".

As emotional beings, humans should not fall into apathy and pesimism. This is not a healthy approach to life and may reflect emotional suffering. On the contrary, a healthy relationship requires enthusiasm, understanding, listening skills, motivation for forgiveness, flexibitly to accept each person as a unique individual, ability to "put yourself in the other persons shoes", and the ability to forsee your partner´s need, as well as your own intimacy, degree of dependance and autonomy. HOPE is the main "fuel" that impulses and nurtures a positve relationship inorder to overcome obtacles which may appear along one´s development and towards fulfilling future plans and goals.

Are you in a healthy relationship? Are you seeking a better you? What part of your life are you most dissatisfied with? Can you do anything about it?

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

Here I am again after many days of absence...

When people are asked, WHAT MAKES YOU TRULY HAPPY? 4 out of 5 people say "a satisfactory personal relationship with the people they love". Erich Fromm stated that the greatest wish humans have is the yearning for a satisfactory relationship. The union between people, the fussion with another human being... translates into LOVE. But are we all really capable of love? In theory, we are all born with the capability to love, but our personality, learned behavior and past experiences are also factors that mold this capacity to love. We form our own "map of love" as we grow and develope into who we are as adults. Pysical and psychological aspects of the person who is to capture our love-interest is marked mostly by influential people in our lives, especially in our early childhood years. This mental representation formed in our heads regarding who our love object should be is what makes us "fall in love" with one type of person and makes us reject others. The relationship we had with our parents clearly shapes our own intimate-love expectations... Going back to our optimistic view of life, in general, the optimistic person facilitates aproximation and stability in a relationship and the pesimistic individual encourages conflicts. Which person are you?

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

Anxiety / Ansiedad

En psiquiatría cuando un temor no es consecuencia de una amenaza objetiva, sino que corresponde a un estado de angustia sin causa precisa, se habla de ansiedad. Los estados crónicos de ansiedad resultan ser un veneno para el optimismo. Este estado afecta a alrededor de un 10% de la población del mundo occidental en algún momento de su vida. Algunos de estos casos, y a pesar de diferentes terapias, son resistentes a los tratamientos. ¿No ha conocido usted en algún momento una persona que vive en continuo estado de inquietud y miedo que no corresponde con su realidad? Fobias irracionales, tensión nerviosa, ataques de pánico, trastornos obsesivo-compulsivo, donde la mente queda secuestrada y prisionera de ideas incontrolables. ¿Cómo es la existencia de un hipocondríaco? ¿Cuál es la percepción del mundo desde una persona secuestrada por el pánico irreal? El temor excesivo y prolongado altera estructuras del sistema nervioso central, alteran ciertas sustancias transmisoras del cerebro (serotonina y dopamina)que modulan nuestro estado de ánimo y conlleva a la desesperación, daña el sistema inmunológico, y con el tiempo arruinan nuestras vidas.

¿Pero por qué hay personas que ante un mismo impacto negativo reaccionan de forma distinta? El grado de indefensión entre unos y otros es distinto...¿por qué? Todo ser humano estamos compuestos por una compleja trama de genética, elementos de carácter y culturales. También debemos valorar que no todos los seres humanos recibimos los mismos cuidados médico, psicológicos y apoyo social ante el dolor, el miedo y la ansiedad. Por ello, hay que eliminar los factores negativos como son el abandono, malos tratos físicos, la crueldad mental y la explotación. Sobre todo cuando el ser humano se le está formando su sentido de seguridad, confianza, esperanza, entre otros rasgos de su carácter, en los primeros doce años de vida.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Valores Culturales / Cultural Values

La CULTURA de un pueblo está constituida por un conjunto de principios, creencias, costumbres, reglas y símbolos... para poder tener entre sus miembros una conviviencia y superviviencia ordenada. Los principios culturales son transmitidos de generación en generación,cambiando con el paso del tiempo, adaptándose a las nuevas necesidades. Sociólogos han establecido que el nivel de optimismo de las personas es más alto en aquellas sociedades donde predomina el individualismo sobre el colectivismo; En las culturas donde las aspiraciones y metas de los individuos tienen prioridad sobre las del grupo. Las decisiones importantes se toman en grupos reducidos como entre famila, parejas, socios, etc. y ellos son responsables de su éxito o fracaso... Ciertas cuturals modula las actitudes de las personas y a su vez promueven el pensamiento positivo y la esperanza, mientras otras promueven la desesperación y pesimismo.

Culture is made up of a set of principles, beliefs, customs, rules and order to be able to live and survive as a group. These peinciples are transmited generation to generation, changing with the passage of time, adapting to its new necessities. Sociologists have established that the level of optimism in people is higher in those societies where the individual prevails over the collective group; In those cultures where the individual´s aspirations and goals have priority over that of the group. Important decissions are taken up within the family, couple, partners, etc. and they are responsible for their success or failure... Some Cultures modulate people´s attitudes, promoting positive thinking, while other cultures promote despair and pesimism.

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009

El Optimismo / Optimism

La psiquiatra alemana Karen Horney expresaba muy claramente que, "El ser humano, en condiciones normales, desarrolla las capacidades que nos permiten realizarnos como individuos: la habilidad para sacar el máximo partido a nuestros recursos personales, la fuerza de voluntad y las aptitudes para relacionarnos intimamente con los demás". Pocos son los psiquiatras y psicólogos que estudian y escriben sobre aspectos positivos de las personas. Por cada artículo que encontramos sobre estos temas, hay 20 o más que hablan de algún aspecto negativo del comportamiento del ser humano. Me centro en el OPTIMISMO porque creo que ese es el aspecto más importante que debe ser trabajado en la terapia. La confianza, seguridad, el placer, las relaciones gratificantes, y sobre todo de la ilusión, son algunos aspectos del PENSAMIENTO POSITIVO del ser humano que hay que identificar para promover lo mejor en cada uno de nosotros.

The German Psychiatrist Karen Horney stated very clearly that, "The human being, under normal conditions, is able to develope capacities which allow us to express ourselves as individuals: to use our resources to the best of our abilities, to exercise our willpower and our aptitudes in order to intimately relate to one another". Few are the Psychiatrist and Psychologists who study and write about the positive aspects in people. For every article found regarding these positive aspects, there are 20 or more which talk about some negative aspect of human behavior. I try to center in the idea of OPTIMISM because I think that is the most important aspect which should be enhanced through therapy. Confidence, security, pleasure,gratifying relationships, and most of all, hope, are some of these aspects which make up POSITIVE THINKING in people which must be identified in order to promote the best in each one of us.

sábado, 24 de octubre de 2009

Emotional Suffering...

Money and Power...are nothing if you don´t enjoy a stable emotional state of mind...

Have you ever been depressed? suffered from anxiety or other disfunctions that can alter your emotions? Have you been kept in a dark tunnel? Unable to see the positive side of life? Emotional suffering is the worst ailment anyone can experience. It keeps you from being yourself, from exploring and developing all your potentials as a human being. Emotional suffering can make you physically ill, develope cancer and criple the rest of your existance... So, what can you do? GET PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP!
What kind of psychological help? Each person is different and unique and requires a personal approach to making way to a healthier emotional self. next, We can discuss what is the correct process to a healthier life.
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